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CEO & Co-Founder
eekual bionic
William is the founder and Chief Executive Officer at eekual bionic. He invented a graphic coding language for generative AI to make physical goods and learn from those. William is a trained architect, designer and builder of systems. eekual bionic built the first AI that generates physical fashion products. First it finds out what a person wants, then it makes exactly that with the least amount of resources. Thus generating maximum benefit to the customer, the planet, and the company. The company is now raising their Series A.
29 April 2025 14:00 - 14:30
Panel discussion: Pre-requisites for driving business value for newly AI-powered enterprises
AI's task is ultimately now one of driving value. For orgs with legacy infrastructure that are typically slow movers in technology innovations, there are a number of tasks for leaders to power their internal teams and refresh their products with a new look. Join our panel of leaders to discuss these pre-requisites for success.