VP, AI, Autonomy & Digital Information
Acubed by Airbus
Arne is Project Executive, Head of AI and Autonomy at Acubed, with the goal of building autonomous flight and machine learning solutions to enable self-piloted aircraft operation. He is passionate about robotics and autonomous electric vehicles. He has held engineering leadership positions at global companies such as Volkswagen/Audi and Infineon, and at aspiring Silicon Valley startups, namely Lucid Motors/Atieva, Knightscope and Better Place. Arne earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Munich and held a computer vision and data analysis research position at Stanford University.
17 April 2024 10:00 - 10:30
Computer vision for next-gen travel, and beyond
As VP of AI, Autonomy & Digital Information at Acubed, Airbus' innovation center in Silicon Valley, Arne Stoschek leads a team of engineers to develop autonomous flight and certifiable machine learning solutions to enable the next generation of commercial aircraft. In this session, Arne will share insights into how Acubed is using computer vision technology to support Airbus in optimizing flight operations. He will explain the complexities of applying this technology to a safety-critical use case and provide a deep-dive into how the company is utilizing an innovative approach by applying real-world and synthetic data to develop a framework to develop and mature autonomy vision functions.