Head of Red Teaming, Generative AI Trust & Safety
Danny leads the product for Meta’s Generative AI - Red Teaming, an adversarial testing and simulation, with the goal to drive safety across all current and future Generative AI models, being launched by the company. In his previous roles Danny led the development of AI powered automated platforms for high scale detection and removal of harm across Meta’s Family of Apps, as well as ML Ranking for Messenger and Instagram.
12 June 2024 13:45 - 14:15
Red teaming for generative AI: what is it, why is it important and how you can get started
In this session, Danny will talk about the criticality of red teaming as an approach to ensure safety of generative AI models. We will deep dive on the importance and motivation behind Red Teaming, what Red Teaming means in practice, how and when to think about scaling red teaming, measuring success and sharing some tools and resources available for the community to get started.
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