Yash is the Co-founder of Galileo. He is extremely passionate in transforming ML Team efficiency through effective tooling and establishing best practices. Previously, Yash has led Google’s Speech Platform teams, building their model training, experimentation and serving frameworks that dealt with massive amounts of data along with cutting-edge deep learning/generative AI algorithms.
17 April 2024 12:45 - 13:15
Putting data to work - improve your model performance, 10x faster
Galileo is an end-to-end ML Data Intelligence platform that instantly surfaces actionable data insights which gets us to our best performing models 10x faster. A combination of effective algorithms when applied in a timely manner can help us to drastically minimize the time we spend in Data Curation and Model Debugging to speed up model accuracy gains. While once our model is in production, we need to be proactive about real-world data challenges to avoid disastrous consequences for our users. Instilling this rigor and discipline around our data is absolutely critical for rapid innovation in AI.