AI Research Scientist, Deep Reinforcement Learning Lead
JPMorgan Chase
Pranay Pasula is a Senior AI Research Scientist at JPMorgan AI Research. He leads initiatives in reinforcement learning, lifelong learning, transfer learning, and deep learning, fields that serve as the building blocks for powerful interactive foundation models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, and has published peer-reviewed research in each. He received his Masters in Computer Science from UC Berkeley after giving up a fast-moving career in the Energy industry in order to pursue AI research and applications full-time. During his free time, he enjoys competing in tennis, reading classic literature, rehabbing wildlife, and being outdoors.
17 April 2024 11:45 - 12:15
Accelerate deployments of powerful foundation models through proactive responsible AI
Delve into the diverse applications of AI in finance and tackle the challenges stemming from naive AI use. Examine the issues with large language models (LLMs), such as hallucinations and biases, and their impacts on financial problem-solving using interactive foundational models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. Learn the need to identify and correct these issues, and join us in a call to action to employ our collective AI expertise to proactively address potential risks, accelerating fruitful and responsible AI adoption across industries.