Distinguished Data Scientist
Walmart Global Tech
Binwei is a Distinguished Data Scientist with a PhD in atomic physics and an MS in computer engineering. His current interests span across computer vision and tooling for better ROI on data science. Binwei is a frequent contributor to Medium blog on applied AI topics that include semi-supervised image classification and multimodal product categorization. He has filed patents on computer vision related innovations and represented Walmart Global Tech through participation in data science conferences including SIGIR and MLConf. Through scalable and practical business solutions in the domain of eCommerce, Binwei has been an avid advocate of investing in cutting-edge machine learning research and transforming retail business
17 April 2024 12:15 - 12:45
Optimizing contrastive language-image representation learning for eCommerce
By leveraging contrastive learning, businesses can better understand the relationships between their product images and descriptions, leading to more efficient and effective product recommendations for customers. The talk will cover various aspects of optimizing contrastive language-image representation learning for eCommerce, including the selection of appropriate training data, the design of the model architecture, and techniques for fine-tuning and evaluation.