Director, Machine Learning Engineering
Niv Hertz is the Director of ML Engineering at Aporia, where he customizes ML observability to support any use case or production need. Niv started his career as a software engineer and cyber-security expert, and now focuses on helping ML teams gain immediate impact from their data and ML pipelines. When off the clock, Niv enjoys hiking and playing or watching basketball.
09 November 2023 15:00 - 15:30
Monitoring LLMs in production
Dive into the world of LLMOps and monitoring LLMs in production. We'll cover key points like tracking drift and hallucinations, measuring model performance, and highlighting useful tools and alert systems. This talk aims to give data scientists, ML engineers, and AI leaders a solid starting point on their model monitoring journey to ensure high performance of their LLMs, contributing to the development of GenAI products.