Head of Production
Chris Lavigne is the director of production at Wistia, where he built the video team from the ground up in 2011 and continues to lead it. He has dubbed the lighting technique “lighting on the fly” and has proven that it’s not so much about the camera as it is the concept and basic techniques. He thrives on using creativity to work around constraints (think: video for boring industries) and showing others how to ‘get loose’. When he’s not camera-in-hand, you can find him behind the wheel of a backhoe, snuggling with his dog Lenny, or reciting lines from Jurassic Park.
19 October 2023 16:30 - 17:00
Panel discussion: Ethical AI - who’s responsible, and how do we create safety without stifling innovation
We live in a world where vast amounts of data are being collected and unprecedented compute power is available to extract value. But like anything else, the great power of AI requires great responsibility. Without taking a diligent approach, many AI projects and initiatives will fail to create business value. In this fireside session, our speakers will discuss who is responsible for ensuring the ethical use of AI, and how we can create safety without stifling innovation, as well as specific ethical challenges that need to be addressed, such as bias, discrimination, and privacy. This is an interactive session - contribute your ideas and questions to our panelists, and break down the ethical challenges facing your own systems.