Managing Director, Global AI Business
Caroline serves as Managing Director, Global AI Business, where her team accelerates business transformations responsibly with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Caroline has an extensive and diverse background in applied infrastructure across networking, security and cloud. Caroline is a recovering New Yorker, and also advises government, policy makers, and think tanks on responsible innovation with AI.
19 October 2023 14:00 - 14:30
Panel discussion: Breaking down roadblocks in deploying generative AI for practical application
Generative AI is a powerful technology with the potential to revolutionize many industries. However, there are still a number of roadblocks that need to be overcome before generative AI can be widely deployed in practical applications. In this talk, our panelists will discuss some of the key challenges that need to be addressed in order to make generative AI more easily applicable, including: → The need for more data → The need for more powerful hardware → The need for better evaluation metrics This is an interactive panel session - be part of the conversation by asking questions live to our panelists, and get the feedback you need.