CEO & Co-Founder
Luis Ceze is Co-Founder and CEO of OctoML, which makes it easier to build AI powered apps through automated ML deployment. OctoML is backed by Tiger Global, Addition, Amplify Partners, and Madrona Venture Group. Ceze is the Lazowska Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, where he has taught for 15 years. He co-directs the Systems and Architectures for Machine Learning lab, which co-authored Apache TVM, a leading open-source ML stack for performance and portability that is used in widely deployed AI applications. He is also co-director of the Molecular Information Systems Lab (, which led pioneering research in the intersection of computing and biology for IT applications such as DNA data storage. He is a Fellow of the ACM and his research has been featured prominently in the media including New York Times, Popular Science, MIT Technology Review, and the Wall Street Journal. Ceze is a Venture Partner at Madrona Venture Group and leads their technical advisory board.
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